
We accept donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations to help Ukrainian people affected by the war.

We accept donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations to help Ukrainian people affected by the war.

Simonov Hoodie

Simonov Hoodie


Hoodie featuring a unique trident design by Dmitro Simonov, a Ukrainian designer known for his captivating posters.

FPV Swarm T-shirt

FPV Swarm T-shirt


Hoodie featuring a unique trident design by Dmitro Simonov, a Ukrainian designer known for his captivating posters.




Hoodie featuring a unique trident design by Dmitro Simonov, a Ukrainian designer known for his captivating posters.

Recurring Donations 

We make every effort to ship as much aid as possible every month, but we rely on your constant support to keep our work going. Recurring donations enable us to plan our operations in advance, so if you are able to commit to a regular donation, whether weekly or monthly, we kindly ask that you consider doing so. Your support is greatly appreciated. 🙏

Contact us

Reach out to us any time and let us know if you have any questions.


Help Razom, 175 Scott St, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
